Placenta Accreta.
Revista Ciencia y Salud / eISSN: 2215-4949 /

Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022)Artículos

Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022)

Placenta Accreta.: Bibliographical review


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cesarean section

How to Cite

Garita Mendez, E., Salas Morgan, J. P. ., & Angulo Moya, L. C. . (2022). Placenta Accreta.: Bibliographical review . Revista Ciencia Y Salud, 6(2), Pág. 39–48.


In recent years, the pathology of placenta accrete has acquired significant clinical relevance due to its relationship with elective cesarean sections. Placenta accreta spectrum encompasses the following pathologies: i) acretism, a partial invasion of the placental villi into the myometrium, ii) incretism, total invasion of the villi into the myometrium without invading the uterine serosa, and iii) percretism, a total invasion of the villi including the serosa and, in some cases, adjacent structures. The damage caused by an intrauterine procedure, whether it is obstetric or gynecological, is the main risk factor for abnormal placentation. The main cause of abnormal placentation is a defect in the decidualization of a specific uterine segment containing a scar, this causes direct contact of the placental villi with the myometrium, in turn generating the invasion. Clinically the patient will suffer from transvaginal bleeding during pregnancy and diagnosis can be achieved only through ultrasound or magnetic resonance, however, a definitive diagnosis requires histopathologic studies to determine the depth of corial invasion. In this pathology, early diagnosis is essential to prepare for labor, ensure the correct management of the patient and achieve the best outcome for the mother and fetus.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Dr. Erik Garita Mendez, Dr. Jose Pablo Salas Morgan, Dr. Luis Carlos Angulo Moya


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